Valle Verde

(Storia - Arte - Natura - Sport - Relax - Tradizione)
Situata a 7 km da Gubbio, una delle città mediovali meglio conservate, le cui origini si perdono nei tempi più remoti, in una incantevole valle preappenninica umbra (700 mt. S.l.m.), al centro di una Azienda Agraria Biologica di 200 ettari, è ubicata
L’ azienda è attraversata da percorsi di trekking , montain - bike( circuiti da 38 km - 51km - 73km - 81 km ) e sentieri per lunghe passeggiate nei suggestivi boschi popolati da selvaggina, tartufi e funghi. Vicinissimi a monte Cucco e monte Calvo, zone di lancio per
deltaplani e parapendii. Posizione ideale per muoversi alla scoperta di Umbria e Toscana
su sentieri di storia, arte, natura e spiritualità.
Andando da Gubbio a Valle Verde si transita per la Gola del Bottaccione, sito geologico di interesse mondiale, che ha reso possibile agli scienziati di risalire ad eventi astronomici, climatici e paleontologici di 65 milioni di anni fa.
L’ ospitalità è curata direttamente dai proprietari in raffinati appartamenti(trilocali doppi servizi), arredati con mobili in stile,dotati di tutti i comforts, ingresso indipendente, giardino privato, piscina con solarium completamente arredato, giochi per bambini, un luogo ideale per un completo relax.
Su richiesta (a pagamento) servizio di baby sitting
Aperto tutto l’anno
Come si raggiunge Valle Verde da Gubbio.
Da Gubbio seguire le indicazioni stradali per ’Scheggia’; percorrendo la strada statale (ss.298) dopo 5 Km si incontra il Valico Madonna della Cima, deviare a destra e dopo aver percorso 2 Km si incontra Valle verde immersa nel verde e nel silenzio più completo.
Longitudine: 12°36’09 E
Latitudine: 43°22’36 N

( History - Art - Nature - Sport - Freetime-Tradition )
Situated 7 Km from Gubbio,Valle Verde is a wonderfull preserved medioval town, with its origins lost in the remote past.
Valle Verde is located in an enchanting umbrian valley close to the Appenines ( 700 mt. a.s.l.) in the midst of 200 hectars of biologic farm land there are trekking routes, mountain - bike (circuits: 38 km - 51 km - 73 km - 81 km) paths and footpaths which go throngh the enchanting woods, full of game and mushrooms.
Valle Verde is Very close to mount Cucco and mount Calvo, famous
for hanggliding and paragliding,
Valle Verde is an ideal starting point to discover the history,
art, nature and spirituality of Umbria and theToscana.
The road from Gubbio to Valle Verde goes through the ’ Gola del Bottaccione’ a geological site of world-wide renown which has allowed scientists to reconstruct astronomical, climatic and paleonthological events going back 65 million years.
The guests of Valle Verde are looked after by the owners directly, and hostes in refined apartments ( some with two bathrooms), free entrance, private garden with antique - style furniture and every modern convenience .
With a swimming pool and a children’s amusement area, it is the ideal place for a relaxing holiday.
Baby sitting is available on request at a modest fee.
Open all year.

How to reach Valle Verde
Take the SS 298 road from Gubbio to Scheggia, turn right at Madonna della Cima pass and go straight on for 2Km.
Longitudine: 12°36’09 E
Latitudine: 43°22’36 N

( History - Art - Nature - Sport - Freetime-Tradition )
Situated 7 Km from Gubbio,Valle Verde is a wonderfull preserved medioval town, with its origins lost in the remote past.
Valle Verde is located in an enchanting umbrian valley close to the Appenines ( 700 mt. a.s.l.) in the midst of 200 hectars of biologic farm land there are trekking routes, mountain - bike (circuits: 38 km - 51 km - 73 km - 81 km) paths and footpaths which go throngh the enchanting woods, full of game and mushrooms.
Valle Verde is Very close to mount Cucco and mount Calvo, famous
for hanggliding and paragliding,
Valle Verde is an ideal starting point to discover the history,
art, nature and spirituality of Umbria and theToscana.
The road from Gubbio to Valle Verde goes through the ’ Gola del Bottaccione’ a geological site of world-wide renown which has allowed scientists to reconstruct astronomical, climatic and paleonthological events going back 65 million years.
The guests of Valle Verde are looked after by the owners directly, and hostes in refined apartments ( some with two bathrooms), free entrance, private garden with antique - style furniture and every modern convenience .
With a swimming pool and a children’s amusement area, it is the ideal place for a relaxing holiday.
Baby sitting is available on request at a modest fee.
Open all year.

How to reach Valle Verde
Take the SS 298 road from Gubbio to Scheggia, turn right at Madonna della Cima pass and go straight on for 2Km.
Longitudine: 12°36’09 E
Latitudine: 43°22’36 N

Questa pagina e' stata visitata: 2929 volte

Tipo: Agriturismo
Località: Gubbio
Indirizzo: loc.Villamagna
Tel: 0759273629-3683877769   Fax: 0759273629


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